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Sweeties N Souries

4.6 ( 6816 ratings )

An easy to use, amazing and ads free app to help users learn about the sweet and sour fruits.
Features of the app -
Types of fruits - On tap of this button, user will get list of different types of fruits. On selecting any type of fruits, user will get list of fruits related to the selected category to learn. On tap of any fruit, user will get to learn the pronunciation of fruits, store and spread the fruits to educate them the fruits.
List Of Fruits - On tap of this button ,user will get list of many fruits to learn. On tap of any fruit, user will get to learn the pronunciation of fruits, store and spread the fruits to educate them the fruits.
Pictorial Charts - On tap of this button, user can learn about fruits through picture charts at one place.
Identification Time - On tap of this button, user will get questions related to fruits identification. User will have to identify the image and mark the correct option.